Welcome to Zambia
There's something about the African landscape that is deeply settling. When I first visited the African continent 10 years ago, it felt like coming home. As we flew into Lusaka today, I felt those same feelings resurfacing - I've never been to Zambia before, but already it feels strangely comfortable and completely new all at once.

And as we landed, the ground crew waved and smiled at us as if we were the first airplane to land in weeks (though many flights land at Lusaka International Airport each day). They looked as overjoyed as I felt.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the people who made the Passports with Purpose libraries a reality, and to Expedia whose generosity brought us 11,000 air miles, all the way to Zambia, to see your work ourselves.

P.S. Internet access is a little bit rocky, but I'll be posting more pictures on facebook and twitter
Related LinksVisiting the Libraries YOU Built in Zambia
Posted on May 8, 2012 |
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