CosmoCaixa, Barcelona

Address C/Teodor Roviralta 47-51 Barcelona Spain Map, Tel 93/212-6050 Call, Hours 10am-8pm Tue-Sun, Cost €3 for age 3+; Planetarium €2 for ages 3+, Tickets and Website

Located off the beaten path, this newly revamped science museum and planetarium is a good option if you're looking for a kid-specific activity. There are a wide variety of hands-on exhibits for children, geared for ages three through nine. The most popular exhibit is "The Flooded Forest," a living Amazon rain forest inside the museum with over 100 species of animal and plant life. Another highlights, for kids and adults, is the sound telescope, which is situated outside on the Plaça de la Ciència.

This museum is quite large, so pick a place to meet up if you become separated.