Shopping in Madrid

Cacao Sampaka

Address Calle de Orellana 4, Madrid Map, Tel 91-319-5840 Call, Website

This fashionable chocolate shop sells chocolates in a variety of interesting flavors (for example saffron chocolate). Tucked in the back is a small cafe where you can pick up a pastry, a delicious chocolate dessert, and some hot chocolate or a cup of coffee. more

Hespen & Suarez

Address Calle Barcelo 15, Madrid Map, Tel 91-445-3903 Call, Website

If your kids are absolutely desperate for American made goodies like peanut butter, Dr. Pepper, or Kraft Mac & Cheese, this upscale food store is the place to go. We think of this as Spain's answer to Dean and Deluca, so don't expect reasonable prices, but do expect to bring home a few popular treats. more


Address Hermosilla 21, 28001, Madrid Map, Tel 915-764-447 Call, Website

If you're the type of person who wants to come home with one very special outfit for your child, this is the place. Nanos sells beautiful, traditional clothing for ages 0-14. more