Honolulu's Chinatown, Honolulu and Oahu

Address King and Kekaulike, Honolulu Map, Website

Honolulu's long-established Chinatown district is sleepy and calm compared with the nonstop bustle of San Francisco or New York's Chinatown districts. Still, if your kids haven't seen the exotic fruits and vegetables, buckets full of fish, that typify any Chinatown district, this is a great place to wander. As a bonus, you may see and try produce that isn't imported to the Mainland. Arrive before noon to see the market in action and have lunch at one of the many noodle shops or Chinese restaurants.

Asian products in a Honolulu's Chinatown
Asian products in a Honolulu's Chinatown
Here's your chance to try rambutan and other exotic fruits. Ask a shopkeeper for instructions on how to open and serve each fruit.
Here's your chance to try rambutan and other exotic fruits. Ask a shopkeeper for instructions on how to open and serve each fruit.