Car Seat Carriers

All these products have been carefully reviewed by me. I only recommend products that I would use myself and recommend to my friends. Editorial reviews are separate and distinct from advertising on, and we never accept "advertorial" or pay-for-positive reviews. I do earn a small commission if you purchase a product on Amazon after clicking through from my site, and those sales help pay for the time it takes me to conduct and write thorough reviews.

Britax Car Seat Travel Cart

The Britax Car Seat Travel Cart uses your carseat's latch anchors to turn your carseat into a stroller. It's a bit heaver than the GoGo BabyZ stroller, but comes at a cheaper price.

Car Seat Bag

If you're planning to check your carseat, you'll want to protect it from dirt, grime and weather with a sturdy carseat bag.

GoGo Kidz Travelmate

The GoGo Kidz Travelmate attaches to your car seat and makes it into a rolling stroller. Your child can sit in the seat as you go. Note that some car seats will not fit through airport security with the Travelmate attached, but you are allowed to ask that the seat be hand inspected. Note that the Travelmate must be removed before the car seat is installed in a car.

Traveling Toddler: Strap a Car Seat to a Rolling Suitcase

For parents trying to avoid checked bag fees and carry everything they need through the airport, the Traveling Toddler is a useful tool. This product is a lightweight set of straps that lets you strap your car seat to your rolling bag. Best of all, your toddler can sit in the car seat while you roll it, so if you don't need a stroller at your destination you can leave it at home. Be sure that your rolling bag is sturdy enough to support the additional weight and don't install the car seat on your suitcase until after you have passed through security (the bag + car seat combination probably will not fit through the x-ray)