Add a Listing to our City Guide

When you add your favorite kid-friendly activities, restaurants and hotels to our city guides, your recommendation will be listed along with your company logo and a link back to your site.

Adding your high-quality is a great way to show our readers your area of expertise, and get them interested in your ideas, viewpoint and website.

Here's an example: Hotel Ponte Sisto in Rome, Italy

Here's how it works

  1. Click here to add a new listing. Fill in the form asking for the listing's name, address, web link, and why you like it. Click "save".
  2. You can create multiple listings, but in order to have them show up on the site you need to register.
  3. Registration is fast and simple, and asks few questions. We promise that we will not publish, sell, or spam your email address.
  4. Click on "Your Account" in the upper right hand corner of the page to add a picture and other profile information.

You can even add cities that we don't currently cover, just type in a new city name when you add a listing.

It takes just a few minutes to add a recommendation to our City Guides. I hope you'll give it a try!

Please remember that we accept only high-quality, non-spammy, recommendations for kid-friendly activities, hotels, and restaurants. Recommendations that are off topic or spammy will be deleted.