Two New Products for Feeding Baby When You Travel

Disclosure: I do not have a relationship with any of the companies whose products are described in this post. These are products that I discovered at my local Whole Foods Market (and they're probably available at yours too). If you do choose to purchase one of these products on Amazon, I earn a small commission, and that income helps me keep this site going.

On our most recent trip to Istanbul, I brought along tons of baby food from home. Why would I do that when I usually advocate traveling light? Eilan seems to have some food allergies, so we're feeding him less table food than usual while we work out what's bothering him. Even without the allergies, there are two newer products that I think are so convenient for feeding baby when you are on the go that I would have been tempted to bring them along anyway. Since so many parents ask me what these products are when they see me feeding them to my kids, I thought I would post about them here.

Perhaps the best thing about both of these snacks is that the older kids don't think of them as baby food, and that means that I can carry the same snacks for all three children!

Squeezable Baby Food Container
Squeezable Baby Food Container

Squeezable baby food containers are so much more convenient than glass, that I didn't want to do without them. Glass containers not only weigh down my purse, but I'm always a little worried that they'll break and make a huge mess. These lightweight containers are also BPA free (glass containers are BPA free, but the lid liners contain BPA)

I'm sure it's terrible parenting to squeeze the food right into little Eilan's mouth without benefit of a spoon - but as a mom of three, I need every free hand I can get, and I've been blown away by how much these cut down on the feeding mess when we are out and about.

There are several different brands. I have no real brand preference, and usually end up with a selection of different flavors and food groups. If you travel to England, the grocery stores there have a much wider variety of favors than is available in the United States. Here are a few options:
Plum Organics "Mish Mash"

Freeze Dried Yogurt Melts in Baby's Mouth
Freeze Dried Yogurt Melts in Baby's Mouth

Yogurt Melts
makes a nice snack, and unlike the dried fruit or crackers that I fed my older kids at this age, they dissolve completely in the mouth. That means that with a very young baby there is much less risk of choking. Of course we prefer to feed Eilan real yogurt, but these add variety to our on-the-go snack selection.

Buy on Amazon: Yogurt Melts

Related Links:
Bottle Feeding When You Travel
My Favorite Products for Feeding Baby When You Travel
Yogurt Melts

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  1. Jen on July 1, 2010 at 11:17 a.m.

    I haven't see squeezable baby food like this! What a great way to pack lightly! We traveled to Europe when my son was 10m old. We traveled with just enough baby food to get us there and to a grocery store to buy baby food and it felt like I was carrying 5lbs of glass jars! On a side note, I recently discovered squeezable apple sauce and other fruit sauces. My kids love it and it is available at regular grocery stores in the produce section if you are like me in a city without a Whole Foods or Fresh Market type store.

  2. Monica on July 2, 2010 at 12:30 a.m.

    We love these pouches, too! I absolutely agree on how convenient they are while traveling. My little guy loves that he can hold them and feed himself (we also go the spoonless route). I love that they are light, healthy and not messy. We always keep a couple in the diaper bag even around town. We've also found various brands at Trader Joes, New Seasons, Fred Meyer and BabiesRUs and online at Amazon and