Photo Friday: The Real McCoy

The Real McCoy - Epicure American in Paris, France
The Real McCoy - Epicure American in Paris, France

There's something about finding an American food shop in Paris that makes me chuckle, but the fact is that there are stores like this in almost every major city around the world. They're designed to feed hungry expats who just can't live without the comforts of home, but there's no reason you can't pop in and buy a jar of peanut butter or a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for your little traveler.

Related Links
City Guide: Paris With Kids
The Real McCoy American Epicure

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      1. Lucia on March 3, 2011 at 9:47 p.m.

        That's a great expat store name :)! When I was teaching in rural Japan, I'd take an hour long train trip to the nearest city every couple of months to buy tortilla chips, salsa, and a jar of dill pickles. It's funny what you start to crave when you can't get it easily! Great post and good suggestion to either bring or buy familiar food for kids when traveling.

      2. Jeanne @soultravelers3 on March 4, 2011 at 1:58 a.m.

        Luckily today it is pretty easy to find most things around the world. When we first started on our open ended family world tour 5 years ago, we would miss some things.

        But the longer we travel, the less we miss American food, even my daughter. She missed maple syrup on her pancakes at first, but after many years of traveling around Europe, she quickly started preferring nutella on her pancakes like the locals. She won't even eat it with maple syrup when it's around. She is even eating nutella on her homemade pancakes here in Asia. ;)

        What IS funny is how no matter where we are, we are always missing some favorite comfort food from one of our many "homes" around the globe. ;)

        As neither short term vacation travelers or expats, but a "home in motion" perpetual travelers, we have the best of both worlds and get to visit our many homes often enough not to need this kind of store. ;)

      3. Jeanne @soultravelers3 on March 4, 2011 at 2:06 a.m.

        Sorry, I have no idea how it happened but my link went some where strange the fist time and not my photo ( 5) so I did again and it worked ( 6).

        Not sure if it was a problem with or not but I did the same thing both times. Strange...just an FYI about why I posted twice.

      4. Mara on March 4, 2011 at 4:16 a.m.

        Stores like this *do* come in handy - I remember when I spent my junior year of college in Paris it was the only place to get canned pumpkin and a turkey for our Thanksgiving feast (and while I was there I picked up some peanut butter which the other girls in my dorm regarded with much suspicion as I slathered it on my baguette).

      5. Sonja on March 4, 2011 at 3:24 p.m.

        I've never seen that store in Paris! Sure would come in handy with kids!

      6. Lindsey on March 22, 2011 at 2:02 a.m.

        Real McCoy and all other American shops like it are extortionately expensive and it's like one big stereotype - rows full of unhealthy, mass-produced, packaged food that cost double or triple what they're actually worth. HOWEVER, when I'm jonesing for a Reese's cup, I know where to go =)