Photo Friday: Pike Place Pig
I must have 50 photos of my kids on or next to the big "piggy bank" that stands in front of Seattle's Pike Place Market. Here are a few of my favorites.
Seattle With Kids
Pike Place Market with Kids
23 Free of Cheap Things to Do with Kids in Downtown Seattle
What is Photo Friday?
- Post a travel photo on your site. It can be about any topic, as long as it is G-rated.
- The focus of the post should be on your photo.
- You don't need to be a professional photographer (I'm not), but do showcase your best work, and make it big enough to see well!
- It's nice to include a few sentences about the photo, but it is not required.
- Link back here so that your readers can see all the other great Photo Friday posts.
3 comments | Posted on June 15, 2012 | Save to
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Beth Henry on June 15, 2012 at 4:21 p.m.
That looks like such fun! I've been to Seattle many times but not yet with my family. I can't wait to explore it together!
Samantha on July 18, 2013 at 10:05 p.m.
Every time my family or friends visit me, I always take them there so I think I have like 100 photos with that same pig! It's actually been a good way to see myself and my brother grow up in pictures haha
Chris on December 13, 2013 at 9:06 a.m.
After seeing these awesome pics, that will be fun with my family to Seattle.