Photo Friday: E Ticket
I spent most of this week helping my mom clean out her office. As a small reward, look what I found!
What is Photo Friday?
- Post a travel photo on your site. It can be about any topic, as long as it is G-rated.
- The focus of the post should be on your photo.
- You don't need to be a professional photographer (I'm not), but do showcase your best work, and make it big enough to see well!
- It's nice to include a few sentences about the photo, but it is not required.
- Link back here so that your readers can see all the other great Photo Friday posts.
6 comments | Posted on August 2, 2013 | Save to
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eileen @ FamiliesGo! on August 2, 2013 at 8:42 a.m.
I remember going to Disney World in High school and saving my ticket because we didn't use the last day and it said it was good forever. I need to find it before our next trip and find out if this is really true!
Lisa Goodmurphy on August 2, 2013 at 9:05 a.m.
What a great find! By the time of my first visit to Disney they were using pass cards that could be scanned - I had never seen a paper ticket before.
A on August 2, 2013 at 10:49 p.m.
Haha those tickets always made me so excited!
The Local Traveler on August 13, 2013 at 2:01 a.m.
This brings back so many memories!! What a great photo Friday. I haven't done this before but I think I'll join in next week!
Adam Shake on August 16, 2013 at 12:38 p.m.
Disney is on the bucket list, I never got to go as a child. Not sure how old is old enough to REALLY get the best experience... but eventually!
Melanie on August 31, 2013 at 4:47 a.m.
I initially thought that going to Disneyland as an adult would be kind of boring but I was wrong. I actually had a blast! Space Mountain was the best for me; I hope your family enjoyed it as well. The parades and fireworks also make the experience magical.