Photo Friday: Topkap? Palace Gutters

Everest at Topkap? Palace in Istanbul
Everest at Topkap? Palace in Istanbul

You never know what your kids will be into at the time of your trip, and with small kids, it's usually the details. On our trip to Istanbul, Everest had an obsession with rain gutters - on eaves and streets, and was fascinated to watch how the water flowed through them to its destination. That turned out to be a good thing since we had some rain on our trip.

There's no guidebook that will tell you where to find the small details a four year old might be interested in, and that can create a wonderful sense of discovery as you go through your day. Here we are at Topkapi Palace, one of Istanbul's top sights. The kids thought it was fun to explore the grounds, but Everest was just overjoyed to discover this ornate gutter!

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Istanbul with Kids

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      1. Tonya @ The Traveling Praters on February 28, 2013 at 12:11 p.m.

        I love the ornate gutters!

        I tend to be more of a big picture kind of gal, while two of my teens notice things I would never ever see on my own. It's interesting to look back on their pictures and see what caught their eye on our travels.

      2. Lisa from Gone With The Family on February 28, 2013 at 5:19 p.m.

        I have always been amazed by what my kids find the most interesting when we are traveling! We visited Topkapi Palace and didn't even notice those rain gutters though!

      3. Anna Moffat on March 1, 2013 at 3:12 a.m.

        Wow, that is some gutter! No wonder he liked it - bet it was fun to jump over!

      4. Circe Dopp on March 1, 2013 at 6:39 a.m.

        Istanbul is one of my very favorite places. I have never taken kids there, but I would in a heartbeat. It is so accessible, affordable and friendly. I tell people, it's like NYC, except everyone speaks English. Lol. Let's do a raingutter tour of Turkey! :)

      5. 3onthego on March 5, 2013 at 8:21 a.m.

        Turkey was one of the last trips my husband and I took before we had our son, Jake, who is now 21 months old. I would love to go back with him and see Istanbul from a different (diminutive!) angle.