Photo Friday: Demining in Cambodia

Demining vehicle in Bang Melay, Cambodia
Demining vehicle in Bang Melay, Cambodia

It's no secret that mines dot rural Cambodia. You see evidence of it everywhere, from the children and adults who are missing limbs to the "Danger!! Mines!!" t-shirts that many tourists buy.

Did you ever stop to think what the impact of the land mines might be to a child? Open fields aren't a place to play, they're a place to avoid. If your ball should happen to go "out of bounds," it's lost forever. Retrieving it requires an act of bravery that no child should be asked to make. Building a school won't help speed the demining efforts in Cambodia, but it will provide one more safe place for kids to learn and play while they wait for their country to be fully returned to safety.

Related Links
Passports With Purpose - Enter to Win and Help Build a School in Cambodia

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  1. Wanderluster on December 3, 2009 at 10:17 p.m.

    See Christmas Around the World -

  2. Eli on December 3, 2009 at 11:23 p.m.

    The cat submitted my link before I was ready. :) It's a picture of my husband and son at sunset, on a hike near Eilat Israel.

  3. Cate on December 4, 2009 at 6:21 a.m.

    It's sad to see mines devastating a country and its people especially kids. I wonder how long it will take to rid Cambodia of these horrible weapons? I read this week that Rwanda is clean of landmines, the first country. Here's hoping Cambodia will be on the list soon.

  4. Karen on December 4, 2009 at 8:21 a.m.

    Thanks for sharing and offering a way (passports for purpose) we can all help. Mr Linky doesn't seem to be accepting my link today:( So here it is:

  5. jessiev on December 4, 2009 at 9:04 a.m.

    great photo - it makes me sad, to think that these mines are still there. it is important to take pictures like these, and not all tourist shots, eh?!

  6. Sharlene on December 4, 2009 at 9:13 a.m.

    It is so hard to imagine a place where a misstep in a field can kill someone. Thank you for bringing awareness to the public about these horrible circumstances.