Photo Friday: Romantic Hotel With Kids

View through the shower into the swank Dana Hotel in Chicago
View through the shower into the swank Dana Hotel in Chicago

I stayed at the Dana Hotel at my own expense. Whenever I accept a complimentary service for review, I will always let you know

When I visited Chicago this summer for BlogHer and TBEX, I spent one night at the Dana Hotel and Spa. Perhaps, I thought, I could relax a little by osmosis? Needless to say, with a 2 month old in-tow I skipped the spa.

I was surprised to find myself in a very sexy, yet modern hotel room - this is the view through the glass walled shower into the hotel room. It felt a little strange to be staying here without my husband, but the hotel turned out to be surprisingly baby friendly. Not only did the staff deliver up a crib, but I could easily keep an eye on baby Eilan while I showered!

Related Links
Chicago With Kids
Choosing a Family Friendly Hotel

Photo Friday:
Share a favorite travel photo by adding your link below. Note that I am using "Simply Linked" instead of Mr. Linky this week - it should be straightforward to use, but please send me email if you have trouble. If your url is longer than 100 characters, you will need to use a url shortening service, like My address is debbie at deliciousbaby dot com

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  1. maria on September 25, 2009 at 1:57 a.m.

    It's a great idea the glass separation between the shower and the bedroom. Thanks for Photo Friday, I have met so many fantastic people in the last month. It's wonderful to share photos and the stories behind them.

  2. Amy on September 25, 2009 at 12:12 p.m.

    I'm curious how you like the new linking service. I've looked into Mr. Linky, but it didn't seem terribly user friendly. This seems better! Gorgeous hotel room!

  3. Debbie on September 25, 2009 at 12:18 p.m.

    Simply Linked gives me more control over spam links and honest mistakes than Mr. Linky did, but more importantly it is faster. It's new, so there are still some kinks to work out, but so far so good ;)

  4. Lorraine on September 25, 2009 at 1:12 p.m.

    Hey, whatever works. Swank can be the new new thing in "kid-friendly". Also, thank you for keeping us all linked for Photo Friday - it's a fun connection to have in such a virtual world.

  5. travel Origins on October 16, 2013 at 5:09 a.m.

    If it works, go with it. :)
    I think you can have romantic oriented and kid-friendly in the same category.